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Egg Donation Worldwide

Egg-Donation-Worldwide - Egg Donation WorldwideEgg Donation Worldwide has been a new phenomenon in the fertility industry. Today, intended parents can find an egg donor just about anywhere. It used to be that when intended parents needed an egg donor, they would choose one that lived near where they were doing their fertility treatment. However, today, many egg donors travel worldwide to provide their eggs to intended couples or even single men who want to become parents.

There are basically two different intended parents who need egg donors. First a married couple where the women is older and her eggs are not as viable. Most women don’t realize that when a woman reaches 30 years of age, 80% of her ovarian reserve is already gone. When she reaches 40 years of age, she has less than 2% of her ovarian reserve. Whiles it only takes 1 egg to be fertilized, the changes of birth defects increase greatly when a woman is older. And some women are also born with little to no eggs. This is called Ovulatory Dysfunction and some women experience this. Ovulatory problems account for 20 to 30% of infertility cases.

The second type of intended parent that would need an egg donor would be a gay couple or a single man wanting to have a baby. For gay couples or single men, egg donation makes a great way to start a family. They can choose a donor based on my factors such as age, beauty, race, education, or even religion. An egg donor can travel to their country of origin so if a gay couple wanted an Asian egg donor, for instance, and they were living in the U.S., they could recruit an egg donor from a country in Asia such as Thailand or China. In fact, many Chinese couples choose their route especially Chinese-Americans living in the U.S.

Egg donation worldwide can be a great option for selecting a diverse array of egg donors anywhere in the world. This method gives intended parents a greater pool to choose from. Whether you are interested in getting an egg donor from Asia or the U.S. or elsewhere, egg donation worldwide can be a great option for you. It is also a great way for egg donors themselves to earn money. One prime example was a wealthy man from Hong Kong who recruited a Chinese-American born egg donor who had graduated from Harvard University with a very high IQ. He paid her $100,000 USD. What a great way for her to help pay off the expensive admission fees!

Our team in Laos

We have a fully staffed and very capable team in Laos including a Patient Manager, recruiters, and nurses who care for our surrogate mothers. Feel free to explore our website. You will find extremely informative information on our services. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime. You can call us at 1.949.783.6827. You can also send us an e-mail at info@laosfertility.com or contact us here https://www.chinese.laosfertility.com/contact-us/

We want to help you realize your dreams. Let us help bring your baby home to you.


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