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Chinese Egg Donors

Chinese-Egg-Donors - Chinese Egg DonorsChinese Egg Donors have really become popular both in the U.S. and in other countries around the world. One of the main reasons is there are many Chinese immigrants in the U.S. and in Europe. As couples today wait until later in life to have children, the chances of having a successful pregnancy with an older women’s eggs decreases a lot especially if the woman is 40 years of age or older. By the time she reaches that age, she has less than 2% of her ovarian reserve. Also, the chances of birth defects greatly increases.

In the U.S., there is a huge demand for Chinese gg donors because of the large Chinese/American community especially along the coastal cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York City. Intended parents who cannot use the wife’s eggs now have an option to use healthier eggs from a younger egg donor. However, the greatest challenge is in finding a Chinese or Asian egg donor. Most of the Chinese living in the U.S. are successful and send their children to good schools. These young Chinese/Americans don’t really need money to support themselves like they would if they were living in poorer, less developed countries. Therefore, the price to get a Chinese egg donor often exceeds two to three times that of a Caucasian egg donor. It is a very selective market.

The cost of getting a Chinese egg donor often exceeds $30,000 or more. There have been stories of wealthy Chinese couples paying upwards of $100,000 for a Chinese egg donor. These types of couples are very choosey and require the egg donor to have a high IQ, be an achiever in school and out of school, healthy, and attractive looking. Most of these types of egg donors have graduated from Ivy League schools such as Harvard University or Yale University. So finding a Chinese egg donor that meets these very high expectations can often be really challenging. However, if one puts in the time and effort, they can find the donor they want.

Chinese egg donors can also be found in Thailand. In Bangkok, 90% of all Thais living there can trace their ancestry back to China. These Thai/Chinese women may not be 100% Chinese, but they have some Chinese blood, as much as 50% and look 100% Chinese. This might be an option for intended parents who are not as wealthy and are on a limited budget. In Thailand, one can find a Thai/Chinese egg donor for around $5,000. That is a fraction of what it costs in The U.S. Our company provides egg donation services, so if you are interested in finding a Thai/Chinese or Chinese egg donor, please contact us and we would be happy to assist you in your search.

Our team in Laos

We have a fully staffed and very capable team in Laos including a Patient Manager, recruiters, and nurses who care for our surrogate mothers. Feel free to explore our website. You will find extremely informative information on our services. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime. You can call us at 1.949.783.6827. You can also send us an e-mail at info@laosfertility.com or contact us here http://laosfertility.com/contact-us/

We want to help you realize your dreams. Let us help bring your baby home to you.


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