Being A Single Father
- 12
- December
Laos Fertility knows that single fathers face challenges parenting their young ones. It’s difficult enough for two people, but when there is just one parent, the challenges double. Whether through a divorce, a death, an incarceration, or a life threatening illness, a man may suddenly find himself being a single parent. We know that the Internet is full of advice for single mothers, but there is not much information for single fathers. Therefore, Laos Fertility came up with these tips to help single fathers.
One of the most important things to remember is a single father doesn’t not have to be his child’s hero. A child doesn’t need a hero. A child needs a parent, someone to rely on, someone to care for them, and someone to love. Often single fathers feel as though they have to be superman so their child will admire them. You don’t have to be superman. There are other ways you can bond with your child. Tell them stories about when you were a child, what you liked, where you played, what sports you liked, what your favorite candy was, who your best friend was, and what you did. Your child will understand you better and realize that you too were once a child. This is a great way to connect with your child.
Laos Fertility knows that it is extremely important that you don’t lie to your child about anything, even if it’s small things. Children get disappointed and frustrated when parents lie to them. Be the one to tell the truth. Be honest with your child. You child wants to feel trusted. By telling the truth, you show your child that you trust them. Plus, you are encouraging positive behavior and your child will be less likely to lie to you. Honesty is still the best policy.
You should notice your behavior. If you want your child to grow up and be the person you want them to be, you must have a watchful eye of your own actions and words. Children imitate adults, especially the ones closest to them. Be a good role model for your child. You child will appreciate that and grow up to be a good, honest, respectful individual.
Laos Fertility understands the importance of communication. You and your child may be going through a difficult time together. Sit down with your child and explain to them why you and mommy got divorced. If mommy died, explain the meaning of death with your child and its natural occurrences even if it was unexpected. Having open communication with your child is extremely important. It will make them feel that they are older and that you respect them. Your connection with them will undoubtedly grow.
We know that being a single father is challenging and probably one of the most challenging things of all is your child’s behavior. When your child misbehaves, don’t lose your temper and yell or hit your child. You don’t want your child to be afraid of you. You want your child to listen to you and to respect you. There are far better ways to discipline your child. You can do a time out, you take away their favorite toy, and you can talk with them and explain that their behavior is not acceptable and when they are bad something bad will happen to them. Teach them the cause and effect rule. Try to get them to understand, if they are good they get rewarded. If they are bad, they get disciplined and that involves “taking away” not “receiving”.
Laos Fertility recognizes one of the best things you can do as a single father is to have a schedule of activities for your child to accomplish throughout the day. These activities can include making their bed in the morning, cleaning their room, feeding the cat, getting their homework done, and setting the table for dinner. You can make it fun. Hang it in a place where your child can see it. Try to get some colorful markers and when your child completes each task, they can mark it off. If your child completes all of the tasks at the end of the day, you can give them a reward. Maybe go out for some ice cream or watch a movie with them. If your child knows there will be a reward coming to them after completing all their tasks, they are more likely to do them.
Don’t be afraid of asking for help. Remember, you don’t have to be the hero. Being a single dad is not always easy. There will be times that you will need help from others. You may want to go out on a date and need a babysitter. You could get ill and not be able to care for your kids. You may have to stay late at the office one day. Whatever the reason, don’t be afraid to ask friends or family for help. They understand what you are going through and will be happy and even thankful that you asked for their help.
Finally, Laos Fertility suggests that you be a child every once in a while. Life doesn’t always have to be so serious. May times, we forget this. We get caught up in the day to day and often forget what is truly important. And that is spending quality time with your child. Sit down on the floor and play with your child. Take time to show them how much you want to be with them. Express your happiness to them when you are playing with them. When they speak to you, look them in the eyes. Listen to their stories and respond to their questions. Try to talk and think as they do. If you can get down to their level, both of you can understand each other better and a tight bond between father and child will develop.
We hope that you enjoyed reading these tips for single fathers and hopefully the advice given here will help you and your child live a happy and healthy life.
Laos Fertility wants to help you realize your dreams. Let us help bring your baby home to you.
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- Single Father
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