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How To Get Pregnant With Twins



5 Tips On What You Can Do To Increase Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant With Twins.

Laos Fertility knows that having twins, especially identical ones, is a wonderful experience for many people. Even though, your responsibilities double and so do the costs of raising them, twins bring a mystique to your life. Also, twins bring each other a special bond that carries on throughout their lives. What can you do, though, to increase your chances of getting pregnant with twins? There are currently no proven scientific methods that can increase your chances of getting pregnant with twins, unless you do IVF with Gender Selection, but there are a few things you can do to help increase those odds. Therefore, we would like to offer 5 tips on what you can do to increase your chances of getting pregnant with twins.

First, you may be just lucky enough to inherit the twin gene. Typically, the twin gene skips a generation. If your grandparents on either your mother or your father’s side had twins, your chances of getting pregnant with twins double.

Second, we have learned that eating yams can actually increase your chances of getting pregnant with twins. In fact, there is a tribe in western Africa that has the highest chances of conceiving twins in the entire world. Researchers have found that this was a direct result of their native diet. A large part of tribe’s diet consists of yams, particularly the Cassava yam. This type of yam is commonly found in warmer climates. It is very similar to the sweet potato. The researcher’s study showed that the skin of the Cassava has a chemical in it that actually causes hyperovulation. So, if you want to get pregnant with twins, start adding yams or sweet potatoes to your diet!

Third, Laos Fertility has found that overweight women seem to have higher chances of conceiving twins than women who are at their ideal weight. Doctors are not exactly sure why this occurs. However, there was a study by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology that showed women who had a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 had a far greater chance of getting pregnant with twins than women who were at their perfect weight levels. So, this might just be your excuse for being overweight!

Fourth, women who are older, particularly in their early 40’s, tend to have a higher chance of conceiving twins. This occurs because their internal body clocks speed up and ovulation increases. When this happens, the chances of releasing multiple mature eggs occur, thus improving the chances of having twins. However, we don’t recommend that women weight until they get into their early 40’s to start having children, because the chances of not having viable eggs is very high. In fact, studies have shown that by the time a woman reaches 30, 90% of her eggs are gone and by the time she reaches 40 only 3% remain.

Finally, we know that if a woman can get her hormones running out of whack, she can increase her chances of releasing multiple mature eggs and thus increasing her chances of getting pregnant with twins. On way to accomplish this is by taking birth control pills on an “on and off” basis. Take them for one month, skip one month, then take them again. This irregularity of chemicals in her body can cause a disruption and her chances of releasing multiple eggs increases.

Laos Fertility hoped you enjoyed reading these tips on what you can do to increase your chances of getting pregnant with twins. Remember, the tips presented her have no real scientific support. They are just a natural way that can help and it is worth the try. Who knows, if you try one of more of these methods, maybe you will get pregnant with twins!

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