Home » A Womans Eggs » Research Shows That 90% Of A Woman’s Eggs Are Gone By Age 30

Research Shows That 90% Of A Woman’s Eggs Are Gone By Age 30


A New Study Rebukes Old Knowledge

Laos Fertility has read a very interesting study that was released by the University of St. Andrews and Edinburgh University in Scotland. The study showed that by the time a woman reaches 30 years of age nearly all of her eggs are gone, rebuking what fertility doctors have thought for years. The research shows that the University’s study was based upon the results found in an extended study of women in The UK, the U.S., and Europe.

The study was a startling find. It showed that 90% of a woman’s eggs are gone by the time she reaches 30 and only 3% are left by the time she reaches 40 years of age. This study shows that there is a rapid decline after a women hits 30. This rebukes previous beliefs that the decline did not occur until a woman was in her mid to late 30’s. The University has proven this is not the case.

It was common knowledge that women start to lose their eggs as they age, but was this was the first study to prove how rapid that decline really is. What happens is after a woman reaches age 30, her eggs start to deteriorate which makes conceiving a baby difficult and the likelihood of having an unhealthy baby goes up dramatically.

A woman’s biological clock does tick and there is really nothing a woman can do to stop the rapid decline and deterioration of her eggs. Laos Fertility knows that there are ways to slow (not stop) the loss of fertility. We recommend women to live a healthy lifestyle. Women should not smoke, control their weight by eating healthy, exercise, and try to control the stress in their lives.

Laos Fertility often gets asked the question about measuring the number of eggs a woman has. There is no way to measure the exact number of eggs a women has. Fertility doctors can measure the size and volume of a woman’s eggs in her ovaries through an ultrasound and check her hormone levels with blood tests, but cannot determine the exact number of eggs she has. Research has shown that women are born with a certain number of eggs and that is all they will ever have.

Laos Fertility knows that women today tend to put off pregnancy until later in life for a number of reasons. That is why we are here to women with their fertility quests. We work with some of the best fertility doctors in the world and have made hundreds of women have successful cycles.

Our team in Laos

We have a fully staffed and very capable team in Laos including a Patient Manager, recruiters, and nurses who care for our surrogate mothers. Feel free to explore our website. You will find extremely informative information on our services. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime. You can call us at +66 61-946 5995. You can also send us an e-mail at info@laosfertility.com or contact us here https://laosfertility.com/contact-us/

We want to help you realize your dreams. Let us help bring your baby home to you.

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