Traveling Egg Donors
- 15
- July
Traveling Egg Donors have become the new wave in fertility treatment today. As our world becomes smaller there are new options for intended parents who need an egg donor. Geography once was a barrier and now it seems as though one can easily travel anywhere around the world especially when money is involved. There are tons of egg donor agencies that advertise for traveling egg donors. All one has to do is a search on Google to find these egg donation agencies.
You may ask yourself why would intended parents need an egg donor that lived in another country? Well, one of the main reasons why intended parents would require an egg donor from another country is because they may have a difficult time finding their desired egg donor in the country they live especially if they are not native to the host country’s race. For instance, in the U.S., there are many Chinese people who are U.S. citizens and would want an egg donor to look like them so they may need to recruit an egg donor from China or Taiwan. Young Chinese women in the U.S. are mostly highly educated and make good money and they really don’t need to become an egg donor. That is why Chinese/Americans have a difficulty finding a Chinese donor here in the U.S.
Another reason why intended parents would want an egg donor from another country is perhaps they have an affinity for a different race. For instance, a gay Caucasian couple may like to have an Asian egg donor or maybe an egg donor from an exotic country where women are very beautiful. In addition, selecting an egg donor from another country spans the genes and makes the child have a broad genetic makeup, which in turns strengthens him/her.
Traveling egg donors can donate their eggs to intended parents by two ways. One would be where she flies to the desired country where the intended parents live and do a fresh cycle and donate her eggs. A second way that an egg donor can donate her eggs is by freezing her eggs and having them shipped to the fertility hospital in the desired country where the intended parents live. This method is much cheaper than having an egg donor travel to the desired country, but it’s a not as good as doing a fresh cycle. In fertility treatment, the odds are always stacked on intended parents. So everything you can do to make the odds favor you is suggested. That’s why we always believe in doing a fresh cycle instead of freezing an egg donor’s eggs.
Our team in Laos
We have a fully staffed and very capable team in Laos including a Patient Manager, recruiters, and nurses who care for our surrogate mothers. Feel free to explore our website. You will find extremely informative information on our services. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime. You can call us at 1.949.783.6827. You can also send us an e-mail at or contact us here
We want to help you realize your dreams. Let us help bring your baby home to you.
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